Bug | Android | Error 111 (net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED)

Quick one… After spending far too much time I figured it out an issue where I was getting the following error in Chrome on Android when trying to access a SSL website I hosted at my home on port 2000..


Some extra details… this was on my Nexus 4 on AT&T running first 4.2.1 then 4.2.2.

The real issue, Android for some unknown reason will not allow you to use unstandard ports for SSL (i.e. only port 443 works when using https)

I confirmed this by trying a SSL website on port 2000 using my wifes iphone on AT&T. Sure enough it worked fine. So its not AT&T. Also worth pointing out it works fine on wifi.

Hopefully this is just a bug and will be fixed in the future. The only thing I could do was move my SSL website to the standard port 443.

There was zero info on this on the net so I wanted to get it out there. Hope it sheds some light on it for you. If it did leave a comment so I know.

10 Replies to “Bug | Android | Error 111 (net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED)”

  1. I have this same issue, but cannot change the port I’m connecting to — in my case, it’s port 8080, which is a standard port for Java servlets. The error message is different in Firefox vs Chrome, but does not connect.

    Anyone know why this only occurs on Android? My wife also has an iPhone on the same network, and had no problems.

  2. I don’t know if it’s just me or if everyone else experiencing issues with your website.
    It appears as if some of the text in your content are running off
    the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know
    if this is happening to them as well? This
    may be a issue with my web browser because I’ve had this happen previously. Thanks

    1. No its not you its the theme. I really like it buy the CSS is missing the word wrap. Due to issues with WordPress.com I can not modify it so I am stuck having it happen with these longer text posts.


  3. Eric, thank you for the post. I’m in the exact same situation, same phone, same problem, different port, and like you, could find nothing on the web about it. Good to know i’m not going crazy.

  4. Does anyone has a fix for this? I have the same problem and can not chage the ports, since I do not own the remote servers I’m trying to access.

      1. Same boat over here.. However, I can reach the SSL page on the alternate port using the nexus4 as a Wi-Fi hotspot. So I don’t think this is even an issue with the TCP/IP stack on the phone.

        For the record, since it’s a nexus and not an AT&T branded (and bloated) phone, the phone can be used as an wifi hotspot. this may also have to do with my grandfathered unlimited data plan so YMMV.

  5. I filed a bug for this at the google android issue tracker. I can’t post the link in the blog, but the bug id is 61467. Please look it up and star!

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