SCCM 2012 | Native Windows Update Client Not Working

Hey there, are you deploying the Microsoft System Center 2012 Client to your desktops and then like magic the native Windows Client stops working?

Perhaps you even checked the c:\windows\windowsupdate.log file and found this nugget:

2012-07-12    13:57:53:803     392    1220    Misc    WARNING: Digital Signatures on file C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\ are not trusted: Error 0x800b0001

Well then you had the same problem I did. The way I got it to work for me was by installing this hotfix from MS.

In a nutshell you installed .NET 4.0 and WSUS 3.0 With SP2 (as you were required to) and BAMM! Fail.

Hope it helps, if it does leave a comment, love to know when people are helped.

0 Replies to “SCCM 2012 | Native Windows Update Client Not Working”

  1. thanks.
    that solved my problem too.

    its quiet funny u have to update manually the update server to make updates beeing deployed and update clients.

    the m$ way…

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