Connect to Azure SQL Database using ColdFusion 10/11/2016

My how the years fly and things change.

Even in 2017 I still find value in making quick enterprise applications in Coldfusion. However the world is a changing, many of my endpoint are beyond the boundaries of my corporate firewalls.

I have ended up with a ton of nodeJS webservices endpoints  running as docker containers in Azure jamming away data in Azure SQL. I want Coldfusion to be able to utilize that data.

The Solution

The solution is stupid easy… you can use the native Microsoft SQL Driver, no need to mess with anything else.

Go ahead put in the basics

  • Database: Name as shown in Azure
  • Server:
  • Port: 1433
  • Username: <sqlaccountname>@<databasename>
  • Password: <password>

Then for the secret sauce

  • Hit Show Advanced Settings
  • In the connection string put the following:


Note: Encrypt=yes may not be needed but since its working I am not touching it.

And that’s it!

If this was helpful or have a way to make it better? Let me know in the comments.






Fix: Windows 10 Start Menu (and Modern Subsystem) Freezes and Stops Working

Nothing gets me more upset than seeing a common issue that never seems to get fixed. Since Windows 10 inception I have noticed a rather odd issue that occurs about weekly where my Start Menu, all Metro (Modern) Apps, and even Internet Explorer (which is odd given its a Win32 App) locks up, freezes, and just plan stops working.

The only obvious cure had been to reboot the PC.

However through alot of trial an error have figured out a workaround to get your PC back on its feet.

The Workaround

  • Simply open Task Manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC)
  • Click More Details (if needed)
  • Go to Details
  • Locate: siHost.exe
  • Right Click, End Process Tree

Note: This may need to be done twice in my testing but should always return the start menu after that second try. Many times it only takes once.

More Detail

You may notice when this happens that there are the following events in the event logs:

The program ShellExperienceHost.exe version 10.0.10586.218 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel.
Process ID: 2290
Start Time: 01d1a082cc447ca3
Termination Time: 4294967295
Application Path: C:\Windows\SystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe
Report Id: 524e2a97-0c76-11e6-8dae-64006a80564a
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_10.0.10586.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Faulting package-relative application ID: App

Also you may see errors about SearchUI.exe


Workaround: Chrome will not PIN sites to Windows 10 Taskbar

I could rant for a long while about how Microsoft removed the verb “Pin to Taskbar” from the Shell.Application COM object but I won’t. I will simply say that I think they did that to keep OEM’s from putting crap on it when you buy a new PC. However as so often is the case, there was unintended side effects. Reasonable use cases like Chrome being able to PIN websites and Corporate IT being able to PIN corporate applications comes to mind. Lets not talk about how anti-competitive it looks when Internet Explorer (IE) is able to still pin items to the taskbar yet 3rd Party browsers like Chrome are left in the dust.

Ok I said I wouldn’t rant, here is the workaround.

  • Simply do the normal process in Chrome to PIN something to the start menu.
  • Then go here:
    • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps
      • Note: <username> will be your username you use to logon to Windows. If you dont know it simply go to c:\users and you should be able to figure it out
  • Find the shortcut Chrome created for your website, right click and you will see “PIN to Taskbar”

Also thanks to Reddit for figuring this out:

Chrome "Add To Taskbar" Issue from Windows10

Leave a comment if it helped you!


Get a list of all System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM 2012 R2) Users via SQL

Ever need to send a notice to your System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) users like “Upgrade to UR7 coming” but realized you never took the time to collect all of their names?

Here is some quick SQL that will give you the names of anyone who has actually used the platform:

distinct replace(SessionOwner, ‘contoso\’,”) as Username
from [tbl_TR_TaskTrail]
order by 1

As a added bonus if you replace contoso with your domain name it will strip that out making it ready to past into outlook for name resolution.



Search Active Directory for Specific Word or Phrase (string) in a Group

Ever tried to search for a group by name but the part you know is in the middle? Did you think you would be smart and go to the advanced tab then do “blah” contains, hit search and find nothing?

Quickest way to find is actually via PowerShell

Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like “*blah*”} | select SAMAccountName

Works great!



Offline Downloading of Windows 10 Patchs

Anyone looking at Microsoft KB’s may be surprised to see that there are no direct download links. However you can still download the patches manually by finding and downloding them here:

This can also be used to import patches into WSUS if needed.

Hope it help


Fix | Windows 10, “the connection cannot proceed because authentication is not enabled”

Ah security, the balance between not allowing access at all and allowing too much access.

In Windows 10 Microsoft changed RDP’s defaults. They modified the default for “SecurityLayer” from 0 to 2. Even if you go into the user interface and disable: “Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)” Still doesn’t change that value to a 2.

Simple fix:

  1. Open RegEdit
  2. Navigate to this Key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp
  3. Change “SecurityLayer” to a zero
  4. Reboot and done!

Powershell | Using Modify AD Groups with Alternate Credentials

Quick one. Had an issue where I needed to remove a user from a AD group in another domain. To my surprise it was harder then I had thought. At first I settled on using set-QADGroupMember (the Quest Powershell CMDLET) as it takes -connectionusername and -connectionpassword. However it was dog slow. I think that was due to being over a WAN link and it was querying all members (which took about 2-3 mins).

I needed something swifter. I went directly to the .NET controls and reduced the time to about 15 second.

$GroupDN = “LDAP://CN=GroupName,OU=Distribution Lists,DC=domain,DC=local”
$Group = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList $GroupDN,”username”,”Password”
#To Add
$Group.Properties[“member”].Add(“DN of the User you wish to add”)
#To Remove
$Group.Properties[“member”].Remove(“DN of the User you wish removed”)



Powershell | Get Current User Principle Name (UPN)


I had a need to write a Powershell script that would figure out what the current users UPN (User Principle Name) was. Believe it or not I was dumbfounded there wasn’t a good post on it anywhere.  So here is the code:


$strFilter = “(&(objectCategory=User)(SAMAccountName=$Env:USERNAME))”
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$objSearcher.PageSize = 1
$objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
$objSearcher.SearchScope = “Subtree”
$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add(“userprincipalname”) | Out-Null
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()

$UPN = $colResults[0].Properties.userprincipalname


Enjoy, if you needed this and found it here please let me a comment, always glad to hear when these things help people out!

Powershell | The Last $Error and Emailing it

OMG some things in Powershell are just too confusing to be useful. What if you need to see the last error message again. What if you want to write it into your script to email you when the error happens?

Well first, its all in $Error

However, $Error is an array.  To access it really requires notation like this:


The [0] says give me back the last error. Where [1] would say to give me back the second to last error message.

The Problem….

Ok now here is where it gets “funky”. If you just type $Error[0] you get the entire error message like so: (note I am using an error message from some Lync work I have been doing, the names have been changed to protect well me lol)

Set-CsUser : Management object not found for identity “”.
At C:\Scripts\EnableLyncUsers.ps1:138 char:15
+                 Set-CsUser <<<<  -Identity $user.UserPrincipalName -SipAddress $user.UserPrincipalName
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-CsUser], ManagementException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ManagementException,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.Cmdlets.S

BUT…. if you type write-host $Error[0] you get this:

Management object not found for identity “”.

So what gives right??? Why when you use Write-Host OR even better when you try to email $Error[0] do we get the crappy short error message? Well I don’t have the answer BUT I do have a great work around.

The Solution….

[string]$ErrorString = $Error[0].Exception
[string]$ErrorString = $ErrorString + ” `n `n ”
[string]$ErrorString = $ErrorString + $Error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage

(that’s 3 lines BTW)

As far as I can tell the only thing one needs are the short error message and the line, script, and command. To do this use the code above and then simply use Write-Host or email that new $ErrorString variable. If you need other data follow the info below from how I figured this out.

Emailing the Error? Simply use this code (replace stuff inside of < > then remove the < >):

    [string]$ErrorString = $Error[0].Exception
    [string]$ErrorString = $ErrorString + ” `n `n ”
    [string]$ErrorString = $ErrorString + $Error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage

    $SmtpClient = new-object
    $MailMessage = New-Object
    $SmtpClient.Host = “<SMTP IP OR NAME>”
    $mailmessage.from = <>
    $mailmessage.Subject = “<Subject of Email>”
    $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $false
    $mailmessage.Body = $ErrorString

How did I figure this out?

First I indexed $Error to get me the first result [0]

Next I used the power of Get-Member

$Error[0] | Get-Member

This dumped out all the properties

TypeName: System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord

Name                  MemberType     Definition                                                                    
—-                  ———-     ———-                                                                    
Equals                Method         bool Equals(System.Object obj)                                                
GetHashCode           Method         int GetHashCode()                                                             
GetObjectData         Method         System.Void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo inf…
GetType               Method         type GetType()                                                                
ToString              Method         string ToString()                                                             
CategoryInfo          Property       System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategoryInfo CategoryInfo {get;}            
ErrorDetails          Property       System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails ErrorDetails {get;set;}             
Exception             Property       System.Exception Exception {get;}                                             
FullyQualifiedErrorId Property       System.String FullyQualifiedErrorId {get;}                                    
InvocationInfo        Property       System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo InvocationInfo {get;}             
PipelineIterationInfo Property       System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib,…
TargetObject          Property       System.Object TargetObject {get;}                                             
PSMessageDetails      ScriptProperty System.Object PSMessageDetails {get=& { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $this.Exc…

All of the properties normally can be accessed like this:


But if you try to write-host $Error[0].InvocationInfo you get:


Well that’s not very useful… the reason for this is there are deeper items in the $Error[0].InvocationInfo tree. So if we go ahead and whip out get-member again on $Error[0].InvocationInfo lets see what we get:

TypeName: System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo

Name             MemberType Definition                                                                             
—-             ———- ———-                                                                             
Equals           Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)                                                         
GetHashCode      Method     int GetHashCode()                                                                      
GetType          Method     type GetType()                                                                         
ToString         Method     string ToString()                                                                      
BoundParameters  Property   System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Cu…
CommandOrigin    Property   System.Management.Automation.CommandOrigin CommandOrigin {get;}                        
ExpectingInput   Property   System.Boolean ExpectingInput {get;}                                                   
HistoryId        Property   System.Int64 HistoryId {get;}                                                          
InvocationName   Property   System.String InvocationName {get;}                                                    
Line             Property   System.String Line {get;}                                                              
MyCommand        Property   System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo MyCommand {get;}                              
OffsetInLine     Property   System.Int32 OffsetInLine {get;}                                                       
PipelineLength   Property   System.Int32 PipelineLength {get;}                                                     
PipelinePosition Property   System.Int32 PipelinePosition {get;}                                                   
PositionMessage  Property   System.String PositionMessage {get;}                                                   
ScriptLineNumber Property   System.Int32 ScriptLineNumber {get;}                                                   
ScriptName       Property   System.String ScriptName {get;}                                                        
UnboundArguments Property   System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=…

Ah… there’s more stuff. Lastly I just needed to figure out what items inside of $Error[0].InvocationInfo I needed. Turns out just one thing. So to write-host it all I needed to do is call:

Write-Host $Error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage

Hope that opens your mind to how more complex objects work in Powershell.


Did I help? Make Sense? Something Wrong? Put it in the comments. Love to hear when my write-ups help folks out.

