Unauthorized 401 when calling Coldfusion CFC Component WebService on IIS

If you just setup a fresh Coldfusion/IIS box and all of a sudden you check one of your CFC Component WebServices and get a 401 you are not alone!

I bet you went to the folder and triple checked IIS that Anonymous Authentication was enabled and everything else was disabled and yet still didnt work. Right about that time perhaps you start questioning everything you know in this world. I mean IIS is set to anonymous yet it’s telling you its not authenticating as if it were sent to Windows Authentication.

The Solution

Rest assured, you are not losing it. Simply you like me likely made the mistake of blanket turning on Windows Authentication at the root which in turned enabled it for the virtual folder:


CFC’s must pass back to this folder since they are processed server side. Anyways the easy solution is to set /jakarta folder to Anonymous Authentication.

Hey if this helped you or you know something I should add to make it better, please leave it in the comments!


Connect to Azure SQL Database using ColdFusion 10/11/2016

My how the years fly and things change.

Even in 2017 I still find value in making quick enterprise applications in Coldfusion. However the world is a changing, many of my endpoint are beyond the boundaries of my corporate firewalls.

I have ended up with a ton of nodeJS webservices endpoints  running as docker containers in Azure jamming away data in Azure SQL. I want Coldfusion to be able to utilize that data.

The Solution

The solution is stupid easy… you can use the native Microsoft SQL Driver, no need to mess with anything else.

Go ahead put in the basics

  • Database: Name as shown in Azure
  • Server: something.database.windows.net
  • Port: 1433
  • Username: <sqlaccountname>@<databasename>
  • Password: <password>

Then for the secret sauce

  • Hit Show Advanced Settings
  • In the connection string put the following:


Note: Encrypt=yes may not be needed but since its working I am not touching it.

And that’s it!

If this was helpful or have a way to make it better? Let me know in the comments.
