Fix: The WinRM settings are not configured correctly | SCCM Unified Installer

Microsoft just released SCCM 2012 to VL customers. Very excited to tear into it. However I got stuck right in the beginning of the installer with:

The WinRM settings are not configured correctly


Well looking at the logs here:

\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft System Center 2012\Unified Installer\LOGS

I discovered:

[4/10/2012 9:20:08 AM] DEBUG – Server: localhost, winrm\client\auth\CredSSP = False

All you need to do to fix this is run the following commands on the computer you are running the installer from:

winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{CredSSP="True"}

winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="*"}

Also run these commands on the computer you are installing too (if it’s the same box just run all commands)

winrm qc -q
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{CredSSP="True"}
winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{AllowRemoteShellAccess="True"}
winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="2048"}

That should take care of you. Just in case it doesn’t the old other thing I had done was to add .Net 3.5.1, all RSAT Tools, and IIS from Roles and Features.

Hope it helps. If it does please leave a comment below and let me know this was worth my time posting 😉

16 Replies to “Fix: The WinRM settings are not configured correctly | SCCM Unified Installer”

  1. Thanks Eric, it worked perfectly. I can’t be the only one that wonders why when a prerequisite is not met that the program does not ask for your authority and then upon getting it install and configure the settings properly.

  2. I got following message when entering WinRM commands,

    Message = Access is denied.
    Error number: -2147024891 0×80070005

    And here is the System Center log
    DEBUG – Creating session at server: localhost, user specified: False, username:
    ERROR – WinRM is not configured on machine localhost. Exeption: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied.
    at WSManAutomation.IWSManSession.Get(Object resourceUri, Int32 flags)
    at Microsoft.SystemCenter.UnifiedInstaller.Commons.EnvironmentChecks.WinRMHelper.GetConfig(Boolean useCurrentContext)
    [22/05/2012 2:40:19 p.m.] WARN – The WinRM settings are not configured correctly
    The WinRM setting cannot be verified on local machine.

    Any suggestioins?

    1. My first thought would be that you may have UAC enabled? Try running the command prompt as an administrator (by right clicking on it from the start menu and selecting run as administrator).

      Then try running the commands again.


  3. This is definately worth posting, but I am still getting this error after making the changes with WInRM.

    [31/05/2012 13:34:48] DEBUG – Creating session at server: localhost, user specified: False, username:
    [31/05/2012 13:34:48] DEBUG – Server: localhost, winrm\client\auth\CredSSP = False
    [31/05/2012 13:34:48] INFO – Attempting to start WinRM
    [31/05/2012 13:34:50] DEBUG – Creating session at server: localhost, user specified: False, username:
    [31/05/2012 13:34:50] DEBUG – Server: localhost, winrm\client\auth\CredSSP = False
    [31/05/2012 13:34:50] WARN – The WinRM settings are not configured correctly
    Unable to start Win

  4. Hi, I am facing some problem at the stage where we enter all the virtual machine names.

    Below is the error I get:

    Could Not determine the OS on VMM. Attempted to perform an unauthorized Operation.

    Below is the log content:
    [6/20/2012 9:31:22 PM] DEBUG – Could not determine Operating System on VMVMM
    Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
    at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32ErrorStatic(Int32 errorCode, String str)
    at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive hKey, String machineName)
    at Microsoft.SystemCenter.UnifiedInstaller.Commons.EnvironmentChecks.OperatingSystemChecker.GetHklmStringValue(String baseKeyName, String name)
    at Microsoft.SystemCenter.UnifiedInstaller.Commons.EnvironmentChecks.OperatingSystemChecker.GetOsVersion()
    at Microsoft.SystemCenter.UnifiedInstaller.MainInstaller.Screens.InterviewServers.ValidateOS(PrerequisiteChecker prerequisiteChecker)

    I have remote registry services enabled on both installer and target mahines. I have done all the firewall settings as per your guide and technet articles. Please help.

  5. Eric have you seen this one before?
    I hope someone has an idea J because I realy could use one

    I have been trying to set up System Center 2012 in my environment using the Unified Installer

    All Prerequisites check out it accepts all paths to all servers and file locations.

    So it starts the deployment process , going to the local install for the Orchestrator finishes it without a problem , as soon as it hits the first remote install VMM it fails and shows all but Orchestrator red.

    The log file shows only one error stating :

    Could not execute Runbook:

    An error occurred, please see the Event Log for details.

    Access to the path ‘\\Server_Name\C$\Temp\UnifiedInstaller\UIInstall\Interop.WSManAutomation.dll’ is denied.

    So I verified the access to it, no problem I ( the same user cred then for the install, can access , delete modify the file etc.) Checked from all servers

    Started and stopped runbook

    But it returns to this error over and over again

    I deleted the folder to have it recreated, gave the temp folder full right, nothing

    Has anyone seen this before?

    I can’t find anything out there reflecting that error , many show Runbook issues but not this

    Any help would be appreciated

    Carpe Diem

    Here is a copy of the progress

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – VirtualMachineManager

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – AppController

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – OperationsManager

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – OperationsManager

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – ConfigurationManager

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – ServiceManager

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – ServiceManager

    INFO – Copying SQL INIs – DataProtectionManager

    INFO – Checking System Center Orchestrator Installation Status

    DEBUG – Attempting to add Domain\Admin to Administrators localgroup Administrators Domain\Admin /add

    INFO – Configuring local call

    Full command: “C:\Windows\system32\net.exe” localgroup Administrators Domain\Admin /add

    WARN – Failed to run command: C:\Windows\system32\net.exe localgroup Administrators Domain\Admin /add

    DEBUG – Attempting to add Domain\Admin to Administrators localgroup Administrators Domain\Admin /add

    INFO – Configuring local call

    Full command: “C:\Windows\system32\net.exe” localgroup Administrators Domain\Admin /add

    WARN – Failed to run command: C:\Windows\system32\net.exe localgroup Administrators Domain\Admin /add

    DEBUG – Checking if service [Orchestrator Management Service] on Server_Name

    DEBUG – Service [Orchestrator Management Service] is installed and running on Server_Name

    INFO – Checking WinRM configuration

    DEBUG – Creating session at server: Server_Name, user specified: True, username: Domain\Admin

    DEBUG – Server: Server_Name, winrm\Service\Auth\CredSSP = True

    DEBUG – Server: Server_Name, winrm\winrs\AllowRemoteShellAccess = True

    DEBUG – Server: Server_Name, winrm\winrs\MaxMemoryPerShellMB = 2048

    INFO – Orchestrator Management Service is installed and running

    INFO – Checking Orchestrator Runbook Service Installation Status

    DEBUG – Checking if service [Orchestrator Runbook Service] on Server_Name

    DEBUG – Service [Orchestrator Runbook Service] is installed and running on Server_Name

    INFO – Orchestrator Runbook Service Installation Verified

    INFO – Looking for C:\Temp\UnifiedInstaller\UIInstall\progress.xml

    INFO – Copying Unified Installer files

    (F:\ [9 files]) (\\Server_Name\C$\Temp\UnifiedInstaller\UIInstall)

    ERROR – Could not execute Runbook:

    An error occurred, please see the Event Log for details.

    Access to the path ‘\\Server_Name\C$\Temp\UnifiedInstaller\UIInstall\Interop.WSManAutomation.dll’ is denied.


    Carpe Diem

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