Fix: Facebook for BlackBerry contact and calendar sync disabled | Options Grayed out

So with Facebook for Blackberry in version 1.5 they introduced three new options.

  • BlackBerry Calendar Application
  • BlackBerry Message Application
  • BlackBerry Contacts Application

They are really cool features. The Contacts Application sync’ed all my Facebook profile images with my contacts in BlackBerry. When someone calls, their profile photo shows on the caller ID.

Anyways, when I upgraded to 1.6 and beyond, the Calendar and Contacts options grayed out and were no longer able to be selected.

To fix this you need to have access to your BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

If you are using 4.x then follow the directions here: Facebook for BlackBerry contact and calendar sync disabled in 1.6

If you are using 5.x of BES Server then you need to follow the directions here: BlackBerry 5.0 Applications Not Working | Permissions Issues


Fix: Amazon Kindle App for BlackBerry Not Working | Permissions Issue

Finally! Amazon releases the Kindle application. Thank you Amazon!

Unfortunately with the default policies enforced by a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) 5.0 I was unable to open the application.

I have created directions for fixing the issue here: BlackBerry 5.0 Applications Not Working | Permissions Issues

Few other disappointing things on the Kindle application for BlackBerry:

  • Lack of support for the BlackBerry Storm 1 or 2. It will only go portrait, won’t turn to landscape view. | iPhone version has this
  • No inverted colors (white text on black), Blackberries have really bad brightness controls, trying to read a book in the dark burns your eyeballs out when the background is white and the brightness is set too high. It also wastes the battery. | iPhone version has this

Other than that it does work as advertised. Amazon if you are out there please make a revision with these two basic and simple things in it. While you are at it please add inverted colors to the desktop version too. Please?

Fix: BlackBerry 5.0 Applications Not Working | Permissions Issues

Since BlackBerry Device 5.0 OS and BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) 5.0 a lot of applications no longer work by default. They prompt you for the permissions that the app would like to have. However if you are on a corporate BES server you may not be able to select “allowed”, you may only have the “Prompt” and “Deny”.

If this is the case have no fear. I have already called T-Support and been told its not their problem and I should see the app vendor. Thanks RIM again for that really awesome level 1 support. However this is in fact not the case, it is a BES server issue. RIM should really have level one technical reps that at least know all the corners of the BES application or they shouldn’t be supporting it.

I was able to find the “Application Control Polices” causing the issue. To get this fixed you need to have admin rights to the BES server or get your Admin to do it for you.

Configuring “Application Control Polices”

1) Logon to the BES Server

2) Click on the “Manage Application Control Policies for unlisted Applications” under BlackBerry Solution Management -> Software (on the left had side).

3) Then click on the “Standard Unlisted Optional” link on the right had side

4) Next click the “Edit Application Control Policy” and then “Access Settings” Tab.

5) Finally change the needed permission here. Unfortunately they don’t map name for name on OS and BES so you will have to do some trial and error. Also I have found updating the policy then doing a battery pull on the device and waiting 5 minutes generally tends to get the new policy down to the device.

DISCLAIMER TIME: I have no idea how unsecure this makes your deployment. Use these directions at your own risk. I have set all to “allowed” for the purpose of this screenshot only, I do not recommend doing this unless you know what you are doing. I would love to see some comments on what you find as some of this still doesn’t make total sense to me.

Eric’s List of Best Must Have BlackBerry Storm Applications

I have seen a lot of these app lists in the past but they are never complete.  Since I seem to rebuild my Blackberry all the time I thought it would be nice to share a complete list of what applications I install for the BlackBerry Storm each time.  They are all free unless otherwise noted. Also a lot of these applications will work on standard Blackberries as well.

Must Have Applications for the BlackBerry Storm:


  • FaceBook
    • Actually made by RIM, it’s a clean, very deeply integrated client for the BlackBerry.
    • With version 1.6 you can do everything you need right from your mobile device.
    •  (from your wireless device)
  • BlackBerry App World
  • Pod Trapper
    • The #1 application on the BlackBerry Storm, period.
    • Allows for automatic download of Podcasts to your BB, will delete old ones automatically.
    • Great to have Audio and Video on BB for those times you have nothing to do.
    • Some really good Podcasts out there (will post a list of some of the good ones soon).
    • Paid Software ($10 and worth every penny).
    • Free 30 day trial.
  • Visible Vote
    • A must have.
    • VV will show you all pending legislation and allow you to vote on it.
    • Once you have voted it will show you your state legislators and how many voted with you or against you.
    • Has some FaceBook integration too if you dare bring politics to FaceBook
    • Best part, when you vote it emails your senators letting them know how you would like them to vote.
  • Slacker Radio
    • At work I use Pandora but on the road you have to use Slacker.
    • It has offline cache of up to 25 radio station for free (great for slow BB’s on t-mobile)
    • Advanced UI, easy to use.
    • (from your wireless device) 
  • Google Maps
    • Google always knocks it out of the park.
    • Best app for maps and directions.
    • Also great for looking at local traffic.
    • (from your wireless device) 
  • YouTube
    • Another great app for the BlackBerry Storm from Google.
    • It’s a really rich full featured application for watching YouTube videos. 
  • Mobi Pocket
  • CoinToss for BB
  • Weather Bug
    • Uses GPS to tell you local weather without having to type in where you are.
    • Get it right off the App World for Free. 
  • Staples Easy Button
  • StormSketch

Honorable Mention Applications: 

YouTube App for BlackBerry Storm

Not new news but I wanted to post a link to the BlackBerry YouTube application that was developed by Google. For some reason people (including me) have a hard time locating it.

This client is awesome, full rich UI (not the mobile web pages.) It’s the most iPhone feeling app for blackberry.

Direct your Blackberry over to and it should offer a version 1.6 or greater.

Also you can check out more by visiting there product page:

Only works for the BlackBerry Storm.